Delta Psychology
Delta Psychology is a group of therapists specialising in clinical psychology and related disciplines. Delta Psychology is situated in down-town Dunedin on Level 6, John Wickliffe House in the Exchange.
Bernadette Berry

Registered Clinical Psychologist, MSc DipClinPsych FNZCCP
Bernadette is a Clinical Psychologist of more than 25 years experience in both inpatient and community settings. As she moves into retirement Bernadette is working primarily as a supervisor of other professionals working in various areas of physical and mental health, supervising clinical work and other aspects of their work.
She is a specialist in Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD/ADHD) in children and adults and currently provides assessments for adults in this area.
She is an ACC approved counsellor for clients who have been victims of sexual abuse and provides specialist psychological services and assessments under contract to ACC for abuse victims and those suffering with chronic injuries.
Brian Dixon

Registered Clinical Psychologist, MSc DipClinPsych FNZPsS
Brian is a Clinical Psychologist with experience in a variety of areas. He has worked in independent practice since 2000.
Past experience includes having practised as a clinician and manager in the public sector and as a Professional Practice Fellow at the University of Otago, supervising postgraduate clinical psychology students until mid-2019.
Brian is a Life Fellow of the New Zealand Psychological Society (NZPsS) and a founding member of the Institute of Clinical Psychology. From 2018 to 2022, Brian was the Director of Scientific Issues for the NZPsS and then was coopted for two years to the Society’s Executive in the role of Representative for Te Taiao/Environmental Issues. He is the co-chair of the Society’s Climate Psychology Taskforce.
With his specialist interest in climate issues and psychology, Brian is a representative on several national and international organisations and he enjoys presenting workshops and seminars on climate psychology and community engagement in environmental action. He also has a long-standing interest in professional ethics with 14 years as a former member and convenor of the NZPsS Ethical Issues Committee.
Brian provides services for clients under our ACC contracts for general psychological services and for those under the ACC Sensitive Claims Service. Brian offers professional and managerial supervision and mentoring as well as group supervision for agency staff. He also provides consultancy services to a number of community agencies. He occasionally provides assessment and treatment services at the request of lawyers and the courts.
Brian is also an experienced provider of employee assistance services (EAP) and has established contracts with of a number of Dunedin organisations and agencies for Delta Psychology’s EAP services to employees and managers.
Jan Taylor

Registered Clinical Psychologist, MA DipClnPsych, MNZCCP
Please note: Jan is currently only performing online consultations.
Jan trained in Dunedin and has thirty years’ experience working in mental health (inpatient and community), addictions, private practice, physical and psychological rehabilitation, and employee assistance programmes (EAP). Her areas of interest include management of mood (all types of anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder and anger), sexual abuse and other trauma, relationship problems, stress management, chronic health problems (including the management of chronic pain), social skills difficulties and low self-esteem, grief, life-adjustment difficulties, and sleep disorders.
Jan is also available for professional supervision and work-place coaching and also offers a range of evidence-based psychological treatments such as cognitive behavioural therapy, schema therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, mindfulness-based therapies, dialectical behavioural therapy, motivational interviewing and communication skills training. She works collaboratively with clients; promoting a respectful and supportive therapeutic environment where clients are able to identify and change longstanding patterns which have been impacting negatively on their lives.
Jan is an approved ACC counsellor for clients who have been victims of sexual abuse. She works with adults; individuals and couples. She values a healthy lifestyle balance and, when not working, enjoys life on a small lifestyle block and being involved in a range of creative interests.
Dr Emma Aiken

Registered Clinical Psychologist, DPsych Phd MNZPS
Emma gained her doctorate in clinical psychology in 2007. She has expertise in CBT, ACT, EMDR, solution-focused therapy, and mindfulness-based interventions. She provides services for adolescents (12 yrs +) and adults needing help with mood and anxiety disorders, trauma, grief and loss, eating disorders, relationship issues, couples counselling, anger management, recovery from psychosis, workplace and school issues, parenting and family issues. Emma works within a client-centered and holistic framework, that is, understanding and supporting each client’s unique needs and pathway to achieving their goals. She is also registered to provide ACC sensitive claims services.